
On the basis of Association HERA XXI, five youth groups are successfully working in the field of Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) in different municipalities of Georgia: Tbilisi, Gori, Kutaisi, Ninotsminda, Akhalkalaki. The groups, with self-developed action plans, define their own goals, objectives, and activities, and through following these plans, they conduct various types of meetings and campaigns.

The organization is focused on creating equal conditions and opportunities for youth with diverse gender identities. Each municipality has human resources equipped with modern knowledge and skills in the form of peer educators, leaders, volunteers and activists, who form the team of the Association HERA XXI. This contributes to the development of civic activism and guarantees access to friendly and quality healthcare services, which addresses the strategic objective 2 of Georgia’s 2023-2026 Youth Policy Strategy and the 2023 Action Plan: “Strengthening the health and well-being of young people,” at the national level.