As a part of International Women’s Day IWD, the association Hera XXI launches a one-week campaign called “Don’t Leave Me Alone in the Face of the abuser”. The campaign aims to introduce the public the life stories of gender based and sexual violence targeting rape shared by women.
Nowadays, the Georgian media has been announcing the growing number of cases of gender based violence and rape which ended tragically. Within the campaign Association HERA XXI speaks up the voices of women and girls, who have came across to such cases from the latest research. According to a qualitative survey conducted in 2020 in the villages across the occupied territories and conflict affected areas, all forms of violence, including sexual violence, are still an raising issue for the population.
We need to talk more loudly about gender based and sexual violence, spread more life stories in order not to leave the victim of violence alone, in the face of the abuser.
Join the campaign with the hashtag #