Volunteerism and Youth Involvement Policy

1. Introduction
1.1 Equality, diversity and inclusion are integral to HERA-XXI as a global sexual
reproductive health rights (SRHR) based organization where the core principles are
founded on non-discrimination, fairness and opportunity.
1.2 HERA-XXI is fully committed to the elimination of unlawful and unfair discrimination
and believes in the importance and value of a diverseworkplace.
1.3 HERA-XXI’s values of diversity and social inclusion apply to all aspects of the
organization’s programmatic work.
1.4 HERA-XXI will not discriminate because of age, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender
identity or expression, race, ethnic or national origin, religion or belief, partnership
status, pregnancy or parental status, disability, health or any analogous personal
1.5 This policy is intended to set out the guiding principles and values applicable to all
elements of HERA-XXI . These guiding principles and values need to be implemented
through the relevant national legislation and policies.
2. Purpose and Scope
4.5 All involved with HERA-XXI have a responsibility for taking action and ensuring that the
organization behaviors reflect a culture of respect. This policy should be read in
conjunction with HERA-XXI’s Respect at Work Policy. This policy appliesto all volunteers,
members, governing bodies and staff of HERA-XXI collaborative partners and other

3. Definitions

3.1 HERA-XXI considers that advancing equality involves breaking down barriers, eliminating
discrimination, and ensuring equal opportunities and access for all both in employment
and in the provision of HERA-XXI’s services and delivery of programmatic activities.
3.2 HERA-XXI considers that diversity involves celebrating differences and valuing everyone.
Each person is an individual with visible and non-visible differences and, byrespecting
this, everyone can feel valued for their contributions which benefits boththe individual
and the organization.
3.3 HERA-XXI considers that inclusion involves seeing difference as a benefit and sharing
perspectives and differences, leading to better decisions. An inclusive environmentis one
where all feel valued, where individual contribution matters and where individuals can
perform to their full potential, regardless of background, identity orcircumstances.
4. Protected characteristics
4.1 For HERA-XXI these include but are not limited to:
a) age,
b) sex,
c) sexual orientation,
d) gender, gender identity or expression,
e) race, ethnic or national origin,
f) religion or belief,
g) partnership status,
h) pregnancy or parentalstatus,
i) disability,
j) health.
5. Principles
5.1 HERA-XXI acknowledges that equality and diversity are not inter-changeable but interdependent. There can be no equality of opportunity if difference is not valued and
5.2 HERA-XXI acknowledges its responsibility to make reasonable adjustments where possible
to enable full inclusion and participation in the workplace and in securing access to HERAXXI services and activities.
5.3 HERA-XXI acknowledges the need to create a culture where equality for all is
prioritized,differences are embraced and respected and new and different ways of thinking
andworking are encouraged.
5.4 HERA-XXI acknowledges the need to ensure that equality and diversity are considered in the
provision of all its programmes of work and in the recruitment of staff, volunteers and

members of governing bodies.
5.5 HERA-XXI will ensure all are treated with respect and that appropriate action should be
taken where issues arise. Breach of the Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Policy mayresult in
disciplinary action which could result in dismissal.
6. Implementation
6.1 It shall be the responsibility of the governing bodies and Executive Directors to ensure
that policies that meet the above-mentioned minimum standards are in place, and are
implemented, monitored and reviewed accordingly.
7. How to raise a concern
7.1 There are a number of channels through which a concern can be reported. For this please
see the Rising a Concern Policy.
8. Glossary
There are various types of discrimination prohibited by this policy. The main types are:
8.1 Direct discrimination
Direct discrimination occurs where one person is treated less favourably than another
because of any of the protected characteristics set out in this policy.
Direct discrimination may relate to the protected characteristics of the individual
discriminated against.
It may also consist of less favourable treatment of an individual by reason of the protected
characteristics of another person for example that of the partner, child or associate(s) of the
person discriminated against. This is generally referred to asassociative discrimination.
Direct discrimination will occur when someone is less favourably treated by reason of a
protected characteristic they are wrongly thought to possess, as where someone is thought
to be disabled or of a particular ethnic or gender identity. This is generally referred to as
perceptive discrimination.
8.2 Indirect discrimination

Indirect discrimination occurs when the same requirement, condition, provision or practice
is or would be applied to everyone, but which has a disproportionate, adverse effect on one
or more groups of people defined by reference to a protected characteristic, unless the
application of the requirement, condition, provision or practice is justifiable notwithstanding
its disparate impact

8.3 Failure to make reasonable adjustments

A failure to make reasonable adjustments to accommodate disability-related needs will also
amount to discrimination.
8.4 Victimization

Victimization occurs when a person is treated less favourably than others because they have
raised a genuine grievance or concern.
8.5 Harassment

Harassment is unwanted conduct related to age, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender
identity or expression, race, ethnic or national origin, religion or belief, partnership status,
pregnancy or parental status, disability, health or any other personalstatus which has the
purpose or effect of violating an individual’s dignity or creating an intimidating, hostile,
degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for that individual.

Reviewed& Approved Date: 2022