Monitoring and Evaluation Policy

1. This policy makes clear the importance that the Association HERA-XXI attaches to the
monitoring, evaluation , learning and sharing of its work, and highlights key principles and
commitments that volunteers, members and staff should be guided by in its
2. The origination recognizes shared values and responsibilities across the whole
organization, while also noting that separate duties and abilities apply to different levels.
3. Monitoring, evaluation, learning and sharing:

i. Are integral to organizational effectiveness since they are concerned with measuring
results achieved, and analysing and reflecting upon the process that led to those
results in ways that enable continuous improvement
ii. Should be carried out at and be useful for all levels of the organization
iii. Empower volunteers, members and staff to understand what works well and not so
well, to improve policy, plans, programmes and projects, and to inform the design of
new ones
iv. Lead to high quality reporting on the performance of the organization, which
increases accountability to those we serve (our clients) and to those who support our
work (our donors and all other partners) and to ourselves
4. HERA-XXI is therefore committed to:
i. Providing support to volunteers, members and staff to increase their monitoring and
evaluation skills and improve decision making
ii. Implementing a participatory approach to monitoring and evaluation in which key
people who have a concern and interest in a programme or project are actively and
meaningfully involved in its evaluation
iii. Monitoring and reporting on results to assess whether or not the organization is
achieving its strategic goals and objectives
iv. Recommending changes and required interventions based on the results and findings
v. Demonstrating the effects of the organization’s work at national level in ways that are
convincing, easy to understand and intellectually honest, following standard ethical
considerations and codes of conduct in the evaluation practices.
G 60
vi. will plan and implement ongoing, participatory and robust monitoring and evaluation
practices, with indicators of performance, to ensure project, programme and
organizational effectiveness.
vii. Ensure that resources are allocated to support best practices in monitoring and
evaluation, including integration into global resource mobilization efforts
viii. Performance results and evaluation findings will be made available for the governing

5. Governing bodies will:

i. Ensure that HERA-XXI’s Monitoring and Evaluation Policy remains relevant and is
ii. Ensure that management has included budgetary allocation for monitoring,
evaluation and learning in Annual Programme Budgets
iii. Monitor, challenge and support the work of HERA-XXI by reviewing performance data
and monitoring progress in implementing strategic plans .
6. Executive director will:
i. Resources are available to undertake ongoing monitoring and evaluation of
programmes and projects
ii. Systems and procedures are in place (with continual update and improvement) to
undertake monitoring and evaluation of programmes and projects
iii. Programmes and resource allocation decisions are based on analyses of both
performance and needs
iv. HERA-XXI’s governing bodies at all levels are provided with the relevant information
of the association evidence they need to monitor HERA-XXI’s performance, and to
challenge and support the work of HERA-XXI
v. Monitoring and evaluation practices are aligned with accreditation standards
wherever relevant.

Reviewed& Approved Date: 2021