
1.1 HERA-XXI strives to be a good employer and to provide safe and healthy working
conditions where individual performance is recognized, team effort and commitment
are valued, and career opportunities are fostered.
1.2 The structure of this policy follows the cycle of recruitment, to employment or
engagement and post-employment or engagement.
1.3 This Policy is intended to set out the guiding principles and values applicable to all
elements of HERA-XXI
2. Guiding Principles
2.1 Individuals starting work with HERA-XXI must demonstrate their belief in and
commitment to the Principles and Articles enshrined in the IPPF Declaration of Sexual
Rights. All staff must sign the contract outlining their responsibilities and obligations
and agree on the Code of Conduct principles.
2.2 Governing Body members cannot apply for any paid position within the organization
unless they have tendered their resignation and a minimum of 6 months has passed.
Similarly, staff members intending to take up a Governing Body position are also
required to follow a similar process.
3. HERA-XXI Values
3.1 HERA-XXI’s core values guide the way work is undertaken and shape the workplace.
3.2 HERA-XXI believes:
i. in social inclusion with a demonstrated commitment to enabling the realization of
the rights of the under-served respecting all without discrimination
ii. that passion and determination provide the inspiration to have the courage to
challenge and seek social justice for all
iii. in the significant contribution volunteers deliver across a range of roles inspiring
the organization to advance its mission
iv. in accountability as a cornerstone of trust which is demonstrated through high
performance, ethical standards and transparency
Equality and Diversity in Recruitment and Promotion
3.3 The principle of non-discrimination will apply to the hiring and promotion of staff and
the engagement of volunteers, members and trustees across the organization. The
hiring and promotion practices of the organization shall not discriminate on the basis
of age, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression, race, ethnic or
national origin, religion or belief, partnership status, pregnancy or parental status,
disability health or any other status.
4. Safe Recruitment
4.1 HERA-XXI is committed to following agreed best practice in safe recruitment as part of
its commitment to its safeguarding duties. This includes:
i. Detailed application forms and job descriptions which include appropriate
references to safeguarding
ii. Verification of qualifications and experience;
iii. Robust interviews that include safeguarding, equality, and diversity;
iv. A minimum of two reference checks;
v. Code of conduct as part of contract;
vi. Disclosure of misconduct in giving references.
5. Fair recruitment
5.1 All candidates should expect a structured, fair and consistent process that is
transparent, non-discriminatory and recruits based on a candidate’s qualifications,
skills and experience. Personal information of candidates will remain confidential in
line with relevant local data protection legislation. HERA-XXI will provide reasonable
adjustments to all people with disabilities to seek to ensure they are not
disadvantaged in the recruitment process.
6. When working with HERA-XXI
6.1 HERA-XXI values its volunteers, members, trustees and staff and intends to treat all
those working for the organization with utmost respect. HERA-XXI volunteers,
members, governing bodies and staff should be provided with the working conditions
that allow them to operate effectively. HERA-XXI will ensure reasonable
accommodation for employees with disabilities. The organization ensures robust
policies and procedures that underpin HERA-XXI’s principles of good employment as
outlined in this policy.
Terms and Conditions of Employment
6.2 HERA-XXI aims to attract and retain the best possible candidates who will contribute to
the success of the organization. To achieve this, a strong package of salary and benefits
shall be offered which is aligned to good local employers in a similar industry.
Health and Safety at Work
6.3 The health and safety of all volunteers, members, trustees and staff across the
organization is paramount. This ranges from ensuring safe, healthy working
conditions to the safety of those in humanitarian and disaster settings and the safety
of HERA-XXI staff travelling on behalf of the the organization. To uphold this
commitment, all HERA-XXI staff should be supported under employee travel safety
procedures and guidance tailored to the local environment Management Policy
underpins this commitment by outlining the organization’s values around safety and
security and providing further guidance on developing a robust safety and security
management system.
Volunteer, governing bodies & staff wellbeing
6.4 The personal and professional wellbeing of HERA-XXI volunteers, members, trustees
and staff is a priority. As a responsible employer, HERA-XXI must work to manage the
welfare of its workforce, including volunteers, members and trustees.
Respect at Work
6.5 HERA-XXI is committed to operating with integrity. It embraces dignity and respect and
believes that everyone has the right to work in a safe and fair environment which is
free from all forms of unacceptable behavior, including bullying, harassment and sexual
harassment. Such behavior by HERA-XXI volunteers,members, trustees and staff shall
not be tolerated in any circumstances.
Equality, Diversity and Inclusion
6.6 Equality, diversity and inclusion are integral to HERA-XXI as a global sexual reproductive
health and rights organization where the core principles are founded on nondiscrimination, fairness and opportunity.
6.7 HERA-XXI will not discriminate because of age, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender
identity or expression, race, ethnic or national origin, religion or belief, partnership
status, pregnancy or parental status, disability health or any other status.
6.8 HERA-XXI also recognizes it is required to make reasonable adjustments to ensure
people with all forms of disabilities are not at a disadvantage in the workplace.
6.9 HERA-XXI will ensure there is an equitable pay and reward structure for employees
which does not discriminate directly or indirectly on any of the protected
Raising Concerns
6.10 HERA-XXI aims to foster a culture of openness where volunteers, members,
trustees and staff feel able to raise concerns and genuine concerns are appropriately
managed. The HERA-XXI Raising a Concern Policy gives further information, guidance
and support for employees.
Employee Development and Performance
6.11 All HERA-XXI employees have the right to progress and develop their skills to
achieve their full potential. This should include a robust induction and ongoing
refresher and professional training (especially in the health sector) suitable to the role.
6.12 HERA-XXI employees should be given the opportunity to review their performance
and be held accountable for their actions through regular performance appraisal
including a formal annual performance review.
Compliance with national legislation
6.13 The HERA-XXI adheres to the provisions outlined in the Labour Code of Georgia
(https://matsne.gov.ge/en/document/view/1155567?publication=21 ) to define and
regulate various aspects of employment, including working hours and days, holidays,
annual and sick leave, parental leave, and compensation.
probation and confirmation
6.14 All new recruits / employees will be on probation for a period (the length of the
period is depend on position) until they’ll be confirmed to start a work finally.
6.15 Probation is a period of joint learning for the new employee and the organization;
Ideas, suggestions and observations are to be mutually exchanged during this period.
6.16 Association “HERA-XXI” Staff, peers and others need to be sensitive and supportive
to the new member of the team. Induction shall be organized for the new recruits to
get them accustomed to the organization culture, its employees and get familiarized
with the systems and processes followed in day – day working.
6.17 The probationer must be constantly encouraged to learn and the immediate
superior must keep in regular touch with him / her.
6.18 Employees on probation will be bound by the same set of rules, regulations and
norms in matters of conduct as standards and responsibilities as confirmed employees.
However, probationers shall be regularly monitored by seniors to ensure they get into
the organization’s culture.
6.19 The Exhaustive Director of the Association “HERA-XXI” will assess probationers at
the end of the probation period and will confirm to continuous work as a recruited
6.20 It is important that the employee should be informed about the areas of
weaknesses that need to improve upon, while extending the period of probation.
7. Upon leaving HERA-XXI
7.1 Upon leaving the orgaization, all HERA-XXI staff should be given the opportunity to
formally give confidential feedback to an appropriate nominated colleague based upon
their experience working with the organization.
7.2 Upon leaving HERA-XXI staff may also request HERA-XXI to provide a reference. Where
a reference is provided it must be a true, fair and an accurate reflection of the
individual. In line with safeguarding best practice, HERA-XXI will disclose all misconduct
in references.
8. Employee Redundancy
8.1 It is the belief of HERA-XXI that, where redundancy is unavoidable, HERA-XXI employees
should be treated fairly and equitably. Associated redundancy policies and procedures
shall be implemented and well communicated. Any union associated with the
organization within the organization that is making redundancies shall be consulted in
good time along with all staff affected.
9. Implementation
9.1 HERA-XXI and collaborative partners will:
i. Be aware of their responsibilities as employers.
ii. Adopt and implement policies and procedures based on the above principles and the
implementation points below, whilst reflecting local legislation and requirements.
iii. Ensure their volunteers, members, trustees, staff and beneficiaries and local
communities are aware of this policy.
Reviewed& Approved Date: 2018/ 2021