The NGO “HERA XXI” believes that the Draft Law on “Foreign Agents” poses serious threats to the country’s democratic development and harms its European aspirations. The Draft Law is even more dangerous for organizations working on issues concerning women’s rights as it invigorates anti-gender sentiments and anti-European movement. The situation threatens the progress that the country has achieved over the last 30 years in terms of gender equality and sexual and reproductive justice, on the one hand, and the life of each person, the realization of their rights to health and privacy, and the perspectives for the identification of and rapid response to their needs, on the other hand.
In addition, Association “HERA XXI” believes that the adoption of this Russian-style law will restrict not only the freedom of civil society organizations and critical media, but also that of the population of Georgia.
This law will make women of childbearing age, especially young women, students, women and girls living in rural areas, people living in and around the conflict zones and internally displaced persons, children and women who are victims of violence, persons with disabilities, and ethnic minorities even more vulnerable and will restrict their access to the services they require. It is noteworthy that all of the healthcare, psychological, social and legal services provided to the population for free are financed by donors from partner countries and governmental and non-governmental organizations of Georgia are involved in the implementation of the services. For example, in 2022, the Association HERA XXI provided free remote and outreach services to 1,366 beneficiaries. Each initiative implemented in the country today is aligned and in full compliance with the local political and legislative norms and priorities set by the state, with an evidence-based approach tailored to the needs of each citizen.
We would like to inform the public that a large number of programmes and projects implemented in the country are financed by the USA and the European Union: see the link below: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1NtEvWYPmItUE9yjpMZeJt4m_qqx_ZbsU/view?fbclid=IwAR1RDFfc84lwzFpUZaNS6T_6Rvb4xDNZbyhuVThl8jeT5OF0UD5MKVp7uo8
You can also find the list attached at the bottom of the webpage of the Parliament and Public Agencies: The website was created with the support of USAID.