Code of Conduct

Code of Conduct


1.         HERA XXI is committed to a human rights framework which prohibits any discrimination,exclusion or restriction on the basis of age, sex, sexual orientation, gender, gender identity or expression, race, ethnic or national origin, religion or belief, partnership status, pregnancy or parental status, disability health or any other analogous personal status.

2.         HERA-XXI recognizes that the right to be free from abuse, exploitation and harassment isenshrined in international human rights law namely ICERD, ICCPR, ICESCR, CEDAW, CRPD. HERA-XXI additionally acknowledges that sexual harassment and abuse is a form 

of gender-based violence.

3.         In keeping with its vision and values, HERA-XXI is committed to maintaining the highest degree of ethical conduct amongst all its governing bodies, members, staff1 and volunteers. To help increase understanding, this Code of Conduct details HERA-XXI’s expectations of all involved in its work.

4.         This Code of Conduct is intended to set out the guiding principles and values applicable to all elements of HERA-XXI (including governing bodies) .

Purpose and Scope

5.         HERA-XXI adopts this Code of Conduct as part of its commitment to providing the best possible environment for those providing HERA-XXI services and those engaging with HERA-XXI services and activities.

6.         The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to enable greater individual accountability by providing clear guidance on what is expected of HERA-XXI volunteers,members, governing bodies and staff, while on organizational premises, attending organizational functions or otherwise performing HERA-XXI related activities.

7.         The Code of Conduct is based on international and national human rights standards.

Mission and values

8.         HERA-XXI works to ensure people are free to make choices about their sexuality and well- being, without discrimination.

Code of Conduct Standards

9.         Uphold the integrity and reputation of HERA-XXI by ensuring that professional and personal conduct is consistent with HERA-XXI’s values and standards:

i.          Treat all people fairly with respect and dignity

ii.         when working in an international context or travelling internationally on behalf of HERA-XXI, be observant of all local laws and be sensitive to local customs

iii.         not work when incapacitated by alcohol or other intoxicating substances or use, or be in possession of, illegal substances on HERA-XXI premises or accommodation

1 Staff refers to all paid staff: permanent, fixed term and temporary staff; it includes employees, consultants, interns and contractors. 

iv.         not engage in abusive or exploitative conduct

v.          not engage in sexual activity with children (persons under the age of 18).

Mistaken belief in the age of a child is not a defence 2

vi.         not engage in any sexual relationships with beneficiaries of assistance, since they are based on inherently unequal power dynamics

vii.        not physically assault anyone

10.       Ensure the safety, health and welfare of all HERA-XXI volunteers, members, governing bodies, staff and communities

viii.       adhere to all legal and organizational health and safety requirements in forceat the location of their work

ix.         comply with any local security guidelines and be pro-active in informing management of any necessary changes to such guidelines

x.         behave in a manner such as to avoid any unnecessary risk to the safety, health and welfare of themselves and others, including partner organizations and communities with whom HERA-XXI works

xi.         be responsible with social media accounts and, when using photos obtained during HERA-XXI work, always gain informed consent and preserve the privacy anddignity of all individuals, ensuring that they are not exposed to risk from the use of their image

11.       Not behave in any way which has the purpose or effect of violating an individual’s dignity or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive working environment for that individual

xii.        be respectful and considerate in behavior to all, particularly in the working environment; not engage in sexual relationships with volunteers, members, governing bodies and staff, who are in direct line of supervision

xiii.       declare as soon as potential conflict of interest may arise to supervisor and executive director, if in a relationship with the governing bodies, volunteers, members, staff member (where there is no direct line of supervision). As long as relationships are conducted appropriately, such disclosures will be treated confidentially

xiv.       not use offensive language or belittle or humiliate governing bodies, members, volunteers, trustees, staff or beneficiaries

2 This prohibition does not apply to HERA-XXI youth volunteers who are in a consensual relationship, with each other and areunder the age of 18 but over the applicable age of majority or consent 

xv.        not victimize governing bodies, volunteers, members, staff or beneficiaries for speaking up orraising complaints;

xvi.       not abuse any position of power;

xvii.      adhere to workplace behaviour expectations as set out in Respect at Work policy.

12.       Be responsible for the use of information, assets and resources to which they have access by reason of working with HERA-XXI in any capacity

xviii.     be accountable for all HERA-XXI money and property given to them and ensure that HERA-XXI assets and resources are used in a responsible manner;

xix.       not use HERA-XXI IT equipment, software, e-mail or social media platforms to engage in activity that is illegal under national or international law or that encourages conduct that would constitute a criminal offence. This includes any material that intimidates or harasses any group defined by reference to the characteristics set out in paragraph 1 of this Code of Conduct;

xx.        not use HERA-XXI IT equipment to view, download, create, distribute or save in any format inappropriate or abusive material including but not limited to pornography or depictions of child abuse.

13.       Perform their duties and conduct their private life in a manner that avoids conflicts of interest

xxi.       declare any financial or personal interest in matters of official business which may impact on the work of HERA-XXI. For the avoidance of doubt, a “personal interest” is any sort of interest which might cause a reasonable person to be concerned that in individual’s decision-making might be influenced by that interest.

xxii.      not be involved in awarding benefits, contracts for goods or services, employment or promotion within HERA-XXI, to any person with whom they have a financial, personal, family or close intimate relationship, or in any other circumstances which might cause a reasonable person to be concerned thatthe individual’s decision-making might be influenced by any financial or personal interest;

xxiii.     not accept significant gifts or any remuneration from government, communities, individuals with whom HERA-XXI work, donors, suppliers and other persons which have been offered as a result of working with HERA-XXI in any capacity.

Uphold confidentiality 

Exercise due care in all matters of official business, and not divulge any confidential information relating to colleagues, work-related matters or any sensitive information unless legally required to do so. Adhere to the principles set out in the Confidentially and Information Sharing Policy.

Complaints and reports

14.       HERA-XXI volunteers, members and staff are obligated to bring to the attention of the executive director any potential incident, abuse or concern that they witness, are made aware of, or suspect, which appears to breach the standards contained in this Code.

15.       Members of the HERA-XXI governing bodies are obligated to bring to the attention of any potential incident, abuse or concern that they witness, are made aware of, or suspect, which appears to breach the standards contained in this Code.

16.       HERA-XXI staff, members, volunteers, governing bodies who report concerns will be protected as whistle-blowers in line with the Raising a Concern Policy. 

17.       If members, volunteers, governing bodies or staff member does not feel comfortable reporting to the person directly, they can use HERA-XXI SafeReport.


18.       The respective management of HERA-XXI have a responsibility to ensure that all volunteers, members, governing bodies and staff understand and adhere to this Code of Conduct.

19.       The Code of Conduct forms part of all contracts of employment. Breaches of the Code of Conduct by staff are grounds for disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal.

20.       This Code of Conduct is also applicable to the representatives of governing bodies, members, volunteers, partners, contractors and suppliers. Breaches of the Code of Conduct may result in the termination of contracts or trustee and volunteer roles.

21.       Failure of a partner organization to implement and monitor the implementation of this Code of Conduct may result in the termination of contract.

In accepting my position at HERA-XXI, I undertake to discharge my duties and to regulate my conduct in accordance with the requirements of this Code. 

Reviewed& Approved Date: 2021