Association HERA XXI, in partnership with the Georgian Obstetrician’s & GynecologistsAssociation held a conference on safe abortion, family planning, and contraception.

Association HERA XXI, in partnership with the Georgian Obstetrician’s & GynecologistsAssociation held a conference on safe abortion, family planning, and contraception.

Members of the Georgian Obstetrician’s & Gynecologists Association and leading specialists in the field, representatives of UNFPA and the French Embassy took part in the
Discussed Topics:
-Stigma, territorial and financial barriers for women in accessing safe abortion services;
-The importance of remote services;
-Modern methods of contraception as a means of preventing the number of unplanned
pregnancies and abortions;
Association HERA XXI would like to thank the French government and the representatives
of the embassy for their support and cooperation!

safeabortion #reproductivehealth #HERA_XXI