1. HERA-XXI is committed to operating with integrity and utilizing the talents of everyone.
2. HERA-XXI believes everyone has the right to work in a professional and supportive
environment which encourages harmonious relationships where fairness, dignity and
mutual respect are at the heart of all its work.
3. HERA-XXI expects the highest standards of behavior always and is committed to taking
appropriate steps to prevent unacceptable behavior at work. HERA-XXI will not
tolerate any form of bullying and harassment by volunteers, members, trustees or
staff. Any breach of this policy will be treated as a disciplinary matter.
4. This Respect at Work policy is intended to set out the guiding principles and values
applicable to all elements of HERA-XXI (governing bodies,members, staff, volunteers).
These guiding principles and values need to be implemented through the relevant
national policies and procedures.

Purpose and scope

5. This policy aims to develop a positive working environment encouraging respectful
behaviour across the organization and preventing all forms of unacceptable
6. The policy sets out HERA-XXI’s principles and standards in relation to unacceptable
behaviour, which includes all forms of bullying and harassment.
7. Collaborative partners and other partners working with the organization are required to
adhere to this Policy in addition to their own policies and procedures


Abuse of authority refers to the improper use of a position of influence, power or authority
by an individual against another colleague or group of colleagues. This is particularly serious
when an individual mis-uses their influence, power or authority negatively to influence an
individual’s career or employment conditions, including, but not limited to, in connection with
the appointment, assignment, contract renewal, performance evaluation or promotion, of
another. It can include a one-off incident or a series of incidents. Abuse of authority may also
include misuse of power that creates a hostile or offensive work environmentwhich includes,
but is not limited to, the use of intimidation,threats, blackmailor coercion.
Bullying is offensive, intimidating, malicious or insulting behaviour which amounts to or
involves an abuse or misuse of power through means that undermine, humiliate, denigrateor
injure therecipient.
Sexual harassment is unwelcome conduct of a sexual nature the purpose of which is to make
a person feel offended, humiliated or intimidated or to create a hostile, intimidating or
humiliating environment for the recipient or another person or persons, or which is reasonably
taken by a person or persons to have that effect. Sexual harassment will also occur where a
person is asked to engage in sexual activity or other conduct of a sexual nature as a condition
of employment or advancement at work, or to avoid any work-related detriment. Sexual
harassment includes verbal and nonverbal conduct including and physical and sexual assault.
Unacceptable behaviour is unwelcome, uninvited and unreciprocated behaviour which has a
negative effect on the individual subjected to such behaviour. This behaviour could cause
distress or discomfort to the individual concerned. While such behaviour may take a variety of
forms, it excludes legitimate action taken to support and encourage a staff member to achieve
their objectives.
8. HERA-XXI is committed to providing a supportive environment free from harassment,
intimidation and bullying, where all are treated with dignity, respect and without
9. HERA-XXI believes that promoting respect at work is the responsibility of all individuals
who work in the organization. All in the organization should treat each other with
respect regardless of individual differences, job level, job role or relationship.
10.HERA-XXI will operate a zero-tolerance policy for any form of bullying, harassment and
abuse of authority in the workplace. It will treat all incidents seriously and in confidence.
It will promptly investigate all allegations of such behaviour. Any person found to
have bullied or harassed another or of having abused their authority will face
disciplinary action, up to and including dismissal from employment or engagement.
11.Complaints concerning alleged or suspected breaches of this policy should be made through the relevant grievance procedure if the individual bringing the complaint has been personally affected by the conduct complained of, or otherwise through the
HERA-XXI’s Raising a Concern policy.
12.HERA-XXI is committed to ensuring that those who have a genuine belief they are
experiencing bullying or harassment and raise this as a concern or grievance will not
experience any detriment from doing so.


13.It shall be the responsibility of the Governing Bodies and Executive Director to ensure
that policies and procedures that meet the above mentioned minimum standards and
implementation points below are in place and are implemented accordingly.
14.This policy should be read in conjunction with HERA-XXI’s Code of Conduct and Raising
a Concern Policy.
HERA-XXI governing bodies and executive director shall: aware of their responsibilities for ensuring Respect at Work and the adherence to
the HERA-XXI Code of Conduct;
16.adopt and implement Respect at Work policies based on the above principles, in line
with national legislation and requirements;
17.ensure that appropriate grievance procedures are in place to manage individual
concerns raised under this policy by staff, members, volunteers;
18.offer support to individuals complaining of a breach of this policy;
Procedures for dealing with alleged breaches of this policy

19.HERA-XXI volunteers, members, trustees and staff can raise concerns about bullying
and harassment they are experiencing themselves, through their supervisor and
Executive Director. If they feel unable for any reason to do this they can use HERAXXI’s SafeReport.
20.Allegations of bullying and harassment should be addressed in accordance with the
organization’s Rising a Concern Policy
Associated policies
• Code of Conduct
• Raising a Concern Policy
• Respect at Work Policy

• Confidentiality and Information Sharing Policy
Reviewed Approved Date: 2021/ 2022