Procurement Policy

1. All procurements made by Association HERA-XXI shall be conducted in accordance with the following procurement standards. Procurement transactions, regardless of method or currency value, shall strive to maximize open and free competition, aligning with the existing standards. The organization shall not engage in procurement practices that could
be deemed arbitrary or restrictive.

Purpose of the Policy

2. ensure rational expenditure of funds designated for Association HERA-XXI procurement;
3. promotion of healthy competition in the area of the supply of goods, rendering of services
necessary for the Association;
Environmentally Preferable Purchasing (EPP)

4. Preference will be given to purchasing products and services that have the environmentally
friendly attributes with acceptable parameters for price, quality and delivery:
Methods for Procurement Procurements shall be made using one of the following methods:
(a) small purchase procedures,
Purchases which cost between 1000GEL and 5,000GEL will require three over-the telephone
quotations of rate, price, etc. Minutes will be prepared setting forth the date calls were made, parties contacted
and prices obtained. The minute and agreement shall be prepared by Project
Coordinator/Procurement Officer.
The agreement shall be signed by the responsible persons: Executive Director Finance Officer and
Coordinator; For purchases of less than 1000GEL, efforts will be made to get the lowest and best
but written records of such efforts are not necessary.
Purchases of supplies, equipment and services which cost between 5,000 GEL and 20,000 GEL will
require written estimates but no legal advertisement is required. Association will solicit written
responses from at least three vendors, and if no such responses are available, a statement
explaining the procurement will be prepared and filed.
(b) Competitive Bids,
When the cost of a contract, supplies, equipment or services exceeds 20,000 GEL an
Announcement for Bids notice will be prepared. This notice will be published at least once on the
official web site of general circulation. This web site notice will appear not less than seven (7)
days and not more than fourteen (14) days before the due date for bid proposals.

The Announcement for Bids will include a complete, accurate and realistic specification and
description of the goods or services to be procured, the bid deposit, payment bond and bond
performance required (if applicable), the location where bid forms and specifications may be
secured, the time and place for opening bids, and whether the bid award will be made on the basis
of the lowest price or the lowest evaluated price. If the lowest evaluated price is used, the
measurable criteria to be used must be stated in the Announcement for Bids .
The results of the tabulation and the bid procurements will be examined for accuracy and
completeness by the Project Coordinator/Procurement Officer who will make recommendations
to the Association. In addition, the Project Coordinator/Procurement Officer shall determine that
all firms are responsive and responsible. The Association will make the decision as to whom the
contract shall be awarded. After the bid award is made by the Association, a contract will be
prepared for execution by the successful bidder. After the contract is signed, all bid deposits will
be returned to all unsuccessful bidders.
The contract shall be prepared by Project Coordinator/Procurement Officer. The agreement shall
signed by the responsible persons: Executive Director and Treasure/Board Member; Finance
Project Coordinator.

Generally, all procurement in excess of 1.000,00GEL will be memorialized and supported by a
written contract. All contracts will contain language which allows the Association HERA-XXI the
opportunity to cancel any contract for cause.
All source documents supporting any given transaction (receipts, invoices, and bid materials) will
be retained and filed in an appropriate manner. Where feasible, source documents pertinent to
each individual procurement shall be separately filed and maintained. Where it is not feasible to
maintain individual procurement files, source documents will be filed and maintained in a
reasonable manner .
Conflict of interest
No member, volunteer, employee, or consultant of Association HERA-XXI shall participate in or
have any interest in the award of any procurement transaction if there is a conflict of interest,
whether real or apparent. A conflict of interest arises when an official or employee of Association
HERA-XXI, their partners, immediate family members, or an organization employing or planning to
employ any of the aforementioned individuals, has a financial or other vested interest in any of
the competing firms.

Any contractor who knowingly and intentionally violates the provisions outlined in these
procurement standards will be prohibited from engaging in future transactions.

The Law of Georgia on State Procurement underlying of Association HERA-XXI’s Procurement
Reviewed& Approved: 2021