Non Discrimination Policy

1. Policy statement

1.1 Association HERA XXI as the member of IPPF and supporter of its values, believes in social
justice, and understands that a framework of non-discrimination underlies all human rights
protection and promotion. This framework of non-discrimination prohibits any distinction,
exclusion or restriction on the basis of sex; age; gender; gender identity; sexual orientation;
marital status; sexual history or behavior, real or imputed; race; color; ethnicity; language;
religion; political or other opinion; national, geographical or social origin; property; birth;
physical or mental disability; health status, including HIV; and civil, political, social or other
status; which has the purpose or effect of impairing or nullifying the recognition, enjoyment
or exercise on an equal basis with others, of all human rights and fundamental freedoms in
the political, economic, social, cultural, civil or any other field.
1.2 Association fully accepts the basic principles of Sexual Rights IPPF Declaration and believes
sexual rights as one of the Basic Human rights and issue of discrimination and gender
inequality should be the basis of the elimination of unequal access to cultural, economic,
political or social rights because of sex; age; gender; gender identity; sexual orientation;
marital status; sexual history or behavior, real or imputed; sexual practices or sexual orientation; and the denial of sexual rights, such as sexual health services, comprehensive
sexuality education and redress for sexual violence; which impair a person’s enjoyment of
rights on an equal footing with others. Equality requires these barriers to be removed in order
for diverse individuals to enjoy fundamental rights and freedoms on an equal basis with
others. This may require that particular attention be paid to marginalized and under-served
1.3 Association “HERA-XXI” insures equal access for all and the importance of targeting people
with no or limited access to sexual and reproductive health and rights.
1.4 Association HERA XXI believes in social justice and challenges all forms of discrimination
especially that based on sex, age, social class, disability, HIV status, sexual preference, religion,
race and ethnicity. Through its work with adolescents, the HERA XXI has the unique
opportunities to transform social attitudes towards boys and girls, as well as gender relations
among boys and girls for the next generation. HERA XXI recognizes that the achievement of
full and equal rights for girls will result from changes in social values, public policy and practice.
HERA XXI works to support both girls and boys to fulfill their potential and become active
members of their societies and recognizes the need to understand better the different needs
of girls and boys, and to address those needs by directing resources through its program work
in order to improve their positions in society.
1.5 Non-discrimination is an important principle that forms the basis of HERA XXI members’ work
as organizations. The HERA XXI takes as the foundation of our practice the UN Convention on
the Rights and IPPF Declaration on Sexual Rights to work to eliminate gender discrimination in
societies at all levels.
2. Organization commitment
2.1 Association “HERA-XXI” is committed to providing an environment free of discrimination and
harassment, where all individuals are treated with respect and dignity can contribute fully and
have equal opportunities.
2.2 Under the Georgian legislations, every person has the right to be free from harassment and
discrimination. Harassment and discrimination will not be tolerated, condoned or ignored at
Organization. If a claim of harassment or discrimination is proven, disciplinary measures will
be applied, up to and including termination of employment.
2.3 Association “HERA-XXI” is committed to a comprehensive strategy to address harassment and
discrimination, including:
a) providing training and education to make sure everyone knows their rights and
b) Identifying marginalized groups of the population and promoting access to the services;
c) regularly monitoring organizational systems for barriers relating to Code grounds
d) promoting non discrimination during the working on all levels of the organization (including
: implementing projects and its activities, promoting services and etc)
e) Promoting appropriate standards of conduct at all times.

2.4 The policy should be read in conjunction with HERA-XXI’s Code of Conduct, Equality, diversity
and inclusion and Raising a Concern Policy.