Gender Equality Policy

1. Policy Statement

1.1 The goal of the Association “HERA-XXI” gender equality policy is to support the achievement
of equality between women and men and ensure equal access to sexual and reproductive
health and rights (SRHR) services
2. Policy Objectives

8.2 Women’s Equal Participation: We aim to ensure women’s equal participation with men in the
working processes of the Association.
8.3 Human Rights of Women and Girls: We strive to support women and girls in the realization of
their full human rights.
8.4 Reduction of Gender Inequalities: We work to reduce gender inequalities in access to SRHR
8.5 Understanding Gender Roles and Inequalities: Association “HERA-XXI” acknowledges that
gender roles and inequalities are influenced by laws, culture, social structures, and family
relationships. Attitudes and beliefs about the roles and value of girls and boys vary between
cultures and over time, often leading to greater control over resources and decision-making
for men and boys. We aim to challenge and address these inequalities.
3. Principles
3.1 Gender equality is a crosscutting theme and as such must be considered as an integral part
of all Association “HERA-XXI” policies, programs and projects. Addressing gender equality
as a crosscutting goal requires that women’s views, interests and needs shape the
Association works as much as men’s, and that the organization supports progress toward
more equal relations between women and men.
3.2 Achieving gender equality requires the recognition that every policy, program and project
affects women and men differently. Women and men have different perspectives, needs,
interests, roles and resources-and those differences may also be reinforced by class, race,
caste, ethnicity or age. Policies, programs and projects must address the differences in
experiences and situations between and among women and men.
3.3 Achieving gender equality does not mean that women become the same as men. Equality
means that one’s rights or opportunities do not depend on being male or female.
3.4 Association HERA XXI believes that every individual should enjoy the equal rights and
makes contribution to elimination of any kind of discrimination based on the Gender roles

and power relations, attitude towards girls and women. No distinction should be made for
Division of labor, Education and socialization. No person should be the victim of Violence.
Association HERA XXI is committed to fulfill its fundamental principles based on the
concept of non discrimination.
Reviewed & Approved Date:2020