Title: TSSU professor, academic doctor of medicine Zurab Sabakhtarashvili’s reproductive clinic, head of educational/scientific direction, national master-trainer in matters of family planning, sexual and reproductive health, ante- and postnatal supervision, reproductive health of young people; In issues of modern methods and principles of adult education
Title: education specialist, certified international trainer EMT – founding director of the education and management team Sika – founder and project director of the Georgian Association of Educational Initiatives.
Title: education specialist, certified international trainer EMT – founding director of the education and management team Sika – founder and project director of the Georgian Association of Educational Initiatives.
Title: National Center for Professional Development of Teachers Authorization Expert National Center for Quality Development
Title: expert-reproducologist of the Ministry of Health, MD. i know Dr. TSU is Assoc. Professor “Director of Zurab Sabakhtarashvili Reproductive Clinic” founder and president of “RPL” (RPL) Georgian association for studying the problem of routine termination of pregnancy.
Title: education specialist, certified international trainer EMT – founding director of the education and management team Sika – founder and project director of the Georgian Association of Educational Initiatives.
Title: Doctor of Medicine, Master of Public Administration, Deputy Director of the Reproductive Medicine Center “Universi”
Title: International Health System Master’s Center
Title: Doctor of Sociology, Professor of TSU
Title: Academic Doctor of Medicine, Professor of TSSU Clinic
Title: Assistant Professor of the University of Georgia
Title: journalist of the public broadcaster/PR manager of “Interco Travel Group” in the direction of gender reporting
Title: Assistant Professor of the University of Georgia
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